
Showing posts from May 1, 2016


A Doctor was once asked,in your whole career as a Doctor,what do you consider as the most dangerous disease,the Doctor said FEAR! Fear kills faster than cancer,fear kills dreams,it paralyzes ambitions,it reduces self esteem,fear leads to death,fear causes one to have inferiority complex. Beloved,refuse to FEAR! Here's what Fear means~ F~False E~Evidence A~Appearing R~Real Refuse to fear,change your mindset and see every good and bad situation as an opportunity,encourage yourself and others,the opinion of others doesn't have to be your reality,if you don't program your life, your life will be programmed! The only enemy that you will ever face is you,every barrier in life came into reality because you placed it there,refuse to fear brother or Sister......Ahahaa whooop!

FREE MESSAGE from Pastor Chris - Faith Toward God
